Saturday, 2 November 2019

The Magical Herb Robert

Herb Robert - Figtreebloom

This wonderful little plant is Herb Robert, Geranium robertianum, named after a french Monk, who lived around 1000AD and is believed to have cured many people's illness with this herb.
There are many medicinal properties attributed to Herb Robert, mainly immune systm enhancement.
By increasing oxygen to the bodies cells, the immune system is enhanced greatly.
Considering many believe the main cause of cancer is lack of oxygen to cells, this means this is a very powerful healing plant. The main ingredient germanium is also antiviral and antibacterial.
There is a great deal of anecdotal evidence to suggest this plant, ingested daily can help heal the body from serious illness.
Throughout history Herb Robert has been used for many illnesses including as a blood purifier, for diabetes, shingles, diarrhoea, skin conditions, bruises, inflammation and mosquito repellant when leaves are rubbed on the skin.

For more information and to read a fantastic article visit:


or watch:

On a different level it has been noticed that Herb Robert grows abundantly in areas with high radiation and it is believed that it absorbs radiation from the soil and disperses it!!

Do have a look at this wonderful little plant, it is pretty and incredibly healing, the only negative aspect is that Herb Robert spreads everywhere!! I have it coming up in pots and gardens everywhere, but if your garden is a little wild it is welcome!!

from flower 
Little Herb Robert,
Bright and small,
Peeps from the bank
Or the old stone wall.
Little Herb Robert,
His leaf turns red;
He’s wild geranium,
So it is said.

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