Saturday, 7 December 2019

Tickle tank in the Adelaide Hills

I have always admired this amazing home created by artist Irene Pearce. This beautiful house and garden are so inspiring!! An old concrete water tank was converted to a home by Irene and the wonderful garden full of art evolved as a result.

photo from Weekend notes open garden scheme

weekend notes

If you love gardens, sculpture, mosaic and talented people have a look at these videos, I am sure you will enjoy them. It's fair to say many faeries live there with Irene.

Saturday, 2 November 2019

The Magical Herb Robert

Herb Robert - Figtreebloom

This wonderful little plant is Herb Robert, Geranium robertianum, named after a french Monk, who lived around 1000AD and is believed to have cured many people's illness with this herb.
There are many medicinal properties attributed to Herb Robert, mainly immune systm enhancement.
By increasing oxygen to the bodies cells, the immune system is enhanced greatly.
Considering many believe the main cause of cancer is lack of oxygen to cells, this means this is a very powerful healing plant. The main ingredient germanium is also antiviral and antibacterial.
There is a great deal of anecdotal evidence to suggest this plant, ingested daily can help heal the body from serious illness.
Throughout history Herb Robert has been used for many illnesses including as a blood purifier, for diabetes, shingles, diarrhoea, skin conditions, bruises, inflammation and mosquito repellant when leaves are rubbed on the skin.

For more information and to read a fantastic article visit:


or watch:

On a different level it has been noticed that Herb Robert grows abundantly in areas with high radiation and it is believed that it absorbs radiation from the soil and disperses it!!

Do have a look at this wonderful little plant, it is pretty and incredibly healing, the only negative aspect is that Herb Robert spreads everywhere!! I have it coming up in pots and gardens everywhere, but if your garden is a little wild it is welcome!!

from flower 
Little Herb Robert,
Bright and small,
Peeps from the bank
Or the old stone wall.
Little Herb Robert,
His leaf turns red;
He’s wild geranium,
So it is said.

Monday, 2 September 2019

Better Fairy homes and gardens

No excuses for my absence, well maybe one big one, drought.. nothing but watering and
trying to keep the garden alive... the hard-knock life of a faery!!

I came across these magical miniature homes recently and I knew that any faery lover would also appreciate them, so here they  are...

via @minifairygarden on instagram - Sophie's amazing creations have inspired so many including me!!


Magical homes are also being created in the United Kingdom..these wonderful cottages, castles and other faery abodes are totally handmade and can be purchased via the website below

Periwinkle cottage

Baby Breen

For any homeless pixies in your area, this beautiful home
might just be perfect and as the builder Roger reminds us
pixies are good luck!!

Pixie Pebble

Please do have a look at the websites provided for more gorgeous fae real estate and ideas
I hope to post more frequently!! Pray for rain for us here in Australia xx

Saturday, 15 June 2019

Faery Folklore

       I met beautiful Shweta on instagram.

Her youtube channel Shweta Flower is absolutely 
fantastic. If you love faeries and nature this is the 
channel for you. Please visit the link below :

                Nature is not a place to visit.. 

Nature is home.

Thursday, 23 May 2019

Magical Artist's homes

 Here are a few of the fantastic homes I have come across on the internet lately..
          links attached for you to peruse the amazing art created by the people who live there.

                 Carrie Reichardt's fantastic abode


Magic house... a rundown cottage became what local children called the Easter Bunny house

Image by Steve Park

Magnolia Pearl Ranch in Bandera County, Texas, USA

This amazing home was designed by the fashion designer Robin Brown behind Magnolia Pearl


Saturday, 23 March 2019

Stargazing in Coonabarabran

Coona Barra where? Coonabarabran  - a small town in North West New South Wales Australia is home to much wildlife, most wonderous places and is inhabited by many talented artisans, astronomers and farming folk. 
My family has lived there for many years and a recent visit reminded me how beautiful this area is even in the grip of terrible drought.

Timor Rock at Dusk - image: Figtreebloom

Coonabarabran is probably best known for the majestic Warrumbungle range in the National park - providing exquisite bush walking and photo opportunities, this beautiful National park is easy to find following signs through town and there is plenty of accommodation in the area.
Siding Springs Observatory is also definitely worth a visit. Watch this video to see how amazing the night sky is without light pollution!!!

other places to visit include Pilliga pottery in the depths of the beautiful Pilliga forest,

to see their studio, cafe and pet friendly farm stay  visit their website:


gorgeous image via:

The Pilliga Forest also has many bushwalking trails and one of the best takes you to sandstone caves,

on the linked website you can find directions and information:

Image via: Visit

If you love native plants a visit to  is a must. Their display of native plants that they grow and sell is just fantastic, especially in Spring.
Spring is a wonderful time to visit this area and you will find wildflowers including flannel flower, wattles, egg and bacon bush, fringed violet, native orchids and numerous others in flower in the National park and Pilliga forest.

The town itself has a quaint old world feel and there are many cute shops to browse in if that is to your liking. A visit to Warrumbungle organics  won't disappoint - their vegan pies are the best I have tasted!!

for more information and things to do in Coonabarabran visit:

                   This town is definitely unique and worth a visit if you are in the area.

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Forest bathing - Shinrin Yoku

In Japan there is a practice known as Shinrin (forest) Yoku (bathing)
Ancient cultures understood the benefits of embracing the forests energy.
                          As an empath I find there is no better way to remove negative energy and        
stress from your life,except maybe bathing in the ocean.
We are incredibly blessed in Australia with magnificent forests, dry and wet.
      Forest bathing is a simple practice, find a beautiful forest and take a walk, pausing to take in the energy and magic surrounding you.

Scientists have studied the effects of forest bathing and health benefits include.....
  • boosted immune system function
  • reduced blood pressure
  • reduced stress and improved mood
  • increased energy and better sleep
  • faster recovery from illness
             other benefits...

  • deeper intuition
  • increased chi or life force

    Take a walk in an Australian forest now via this beautiful video..

                   For more information about Shinrin Yoku visit...


Wednesday, 16 January 2019

communicating with the animal realm

Came across this wonderful short video from Anna Breytenbach recently and had to post it here as it is just such a beautiful story.

Anna learned she could communicate with animals while attending a tracking course.
What a wonderful world it will be when we can all communicate with other beings on this planet.

                      To learn more about Anna and her work have a look at her website...