Sunday 29 July 2018

We will all be living in tree houses

                    So apparently in the new Earth we are all going to be living in tree houses...

                          Fine by me..

This beautiful tree house built by Lionel Bucket in the Blue Mountains, Australia is just so gorgeous and this short video really gives you the feeling of life living in a tree house...

Wollemi Wilderness tree house

Tree house in Papua new Guinea

For more inspiration, have a look at this wonderful book; 'Treehouses, Fairytale Castles in the Air'


  1. These tree houses are beautiful. Just discovered your blog a few days ago through Pinterest. I also found your Youtube channel. When are you going to do another blog post?

    1. Hi Katie,
      So sorry for the late reply - we found a puppy and have been consumed by fencing!! Will be posting more regularly now - posting today :) Thanks for your support.

  2. Love your blog Vanessa & Fiona! My daughter’s school has they’re art room built up a tree. It’s just so magical & I like to think it adds to their creativity

    1. Thanks so much Aggie,
      It has been a bit neglected of late with fencing and the drought!! Would love to visit your daughter's art room - how wonderful :)Can't wait to get a minute to read your book :) xx
