Wednesday 16 August 2017

Real faeries of Joshua Tree - photographing spirit orbs

I came across this beautiful video - I really believe these photos are real - have a look and see what you think. There are some amazing orbs in this video!!

To photograph faeries or spirits with a camera, simply hold your intent  - you will be surprised what you capture.

Speaking of orbs and unusual photographs, we recently visited Ma Ma Creek Church and I took this photo of a young girl's grave without any thought. Notice the bottom left near the inscription and the purple orb in the centre - Okay this could be the effect of the solar flare so I intend to visit some other older cemeteries soon to see what we capture.

  • St Stephen’s Anglican Church is situated in Ma Ma Creek village on the eastern side of Gatton-Clifton Road in Queensland Australia. The Stone church was built around the old wooden church. It was officially opened in 1912. The bricks were made on site and timber from the old building was used to make the floor of the new building. (Information taken from Ma Ma Creek State School website, 2006, retrieved 16th August 2017 from http:/​/​​home/​ksutt44/​St%20Stephens.htm)

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