Wednesday 20 January 2016

Can I get a Vegan tattoo?

Many people don't consider the impact that getting a tattoo, having hair coloured or applying make up may have on animals.
It is so easy now to modify your body in any way you choose in an animal friendly way.
Many, many companies produce vegan ink and any good tattoo artist will be able to use them when you ask. This is my latest tattoo -

Artistic inker; Peta (Junior) Jamieson from Westside Tattoo, West End, Brisbane just completed this faery star for me using totally vegan inks developed by a vegan!
 This tattoo is quite significant to me and also contains a Black eyed Susan flower, reminding me to slow down and take in the world.

After care for tattoos using vegan products is also really easy now, there are many products available that are just as effective as non-vegan products. I have used papaw ointment in the past, but this time I am trialling After Inked moisturiser and after care.

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