Sunday, 8 January 2017

Vegan is easy

Driving home after night shift I spotted this sign on the highway right next to a cattle farm! I was so excited to see this. If you have been struggling with becoming Vegan, Vegan Easy can help. visit   Offering meal plans, nutritional guidelines and support through their Facebook page, this organisation is really helping people to make the change. Visit their website and have a look at the 30 day challenge:

You will also find loads of resources on their site - clothing, shopping guides, health information and lists of online stores. Go check out their site if you are wanting to become vegan and even if you are already vegan.

Woodstock Farm Sanctuary

Sunday, 1 January 2017

Happy New Year

Another year has passed and a new one begins. With greenhouses full of fruit trees and habitat trees waiting to be planted 2017 is shaping up to be a busy one. Here are a few of the gorgeous plants we photographed around Christmas time.

Poinciana Delonix regia  near Gatton Queensland

Blood Lily / Scadoxus puniceus


Musk Mallow Abelmoschus moschata tuberosus

  We found the Musk mallow at Daley's fruit tree nursery. The stunning red flowers last only one     day. Also called Native rosella. The seeds are musk scented. Leaves shoots and tuberous roots can be eaten. It grows to about 2 metres very drought tolerant and fast growing. A very interesting edible.