Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Toowoomba Street Art

I have loved street art since I was a child, seeing graffiti on coal trains and walls in Sydney. Street art has come a long way from the days of graffiti artists risking arrest for their art. I love the street art around Toowoomba and thought I would share some of my favourite pieces here.

Aboriginal Kid by Adnate 2015 -Neil street
Image: FigtreeBloom

To see more of Adnate's work visit www.adnate.com.au
Hitnes (From Italy) 2014 - 2 Station Street
Image: FigtreeBloom

Drapl and Treas 2014 - 86 Russell Street
Image: FigtreeBlooom

Gimiks Born 2014 - 3 Bank Lane
Image: FigtreeBloom

Fintan Magee - Ruthven street - from Street Art News

Toowoomba city council decided to use funds for Graffiti removal to host a street art festival. The festival was a huge success and now street art created by world renowned artists attracts countless tourists, especially during the Street art festival and the Carnival of Flowers. After great success, the festival has been running each year and I am really looking forward to having a look this year.
Details can be found here       http://www.firstcoat.com.au/


Sunday, 17 April 2016

Wild food Foraging in Australia

Foraging - commonly means searching widely for food.
I realised I have been a forager since I was young. I have vivid memories of sucking the honey from honeysuckle flowers at family Christmas parties while the rest of the family were gorging on prawns.
These days I am rather fond of adding milk thistle to banana smoothies.
Recently I noticed the resurgence in this ancient practice and thought I would upload a quick post about foraging in Australia. There are many plants growing wild as weeds that are edible in Australia.
You must be careful not to eat from sprayed plants and I would not be too keen to eat from near a highway either.

Common sow thistle, milk thistle (Sonchus oleraceus)

From left to right: wild fennel  (Foeniculum vulgare)- delicious in salads, Coryza bonarienses - fleabane, Bidens pilosa - cobblers peg or sticky beak - young leaves are tasty, common dandelion (taraxacum spp.) - leaves can be used in salads or smoothies and roots can be made into a coffee substitute.

Chickweed (Stellaria media) definitely deserves a mention as well - this amazing plant is really high in vitamins and is great in salads, great for your chickens and grows in abundance in my yard in winter. This amazing little plant has also been used in skin remedies to heal itches, and abrasions.

Here is a link for an amazing little book that lists many edible weeds in Australia

Here are a couple of great little videos from Diego Bonetto about foraging showing many of the common edible plants you can easily find.


Good luck with your foraging - leave your favourite foraged plants in the comments below.